I am an associate professor leading the Applied and Provable Security (APS) group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) as well as a principal research scientist at SandboxAQ. My research group and I are currently supported by NWO under the Vidi grant “A solid theory for post-quantum cryptography”. Besides, I am collaborating in the Formosa project to produce machine-checked proofs for high-assurance cryptographic software. My research focuses on post-quantum cryptography – cryptography that resists quantum computer-aided attacks. My works range from theoretical works, like how to model quantum attacks or formal security arguments in post-quantum security models, to applied works, like the analysis of side-channel attacks or the development of efficient hash-based signature schemes. In many of my works I try to combine the theoretical and the applied perspective. This is especially reflected in my work on standardizing post-quantum cryptography. To learn more about my research, have a look at my publications and talks page.
Previously, I held positions as assistant professor and postdoctoral researcher in the Coding Theory and Cryptology group, working with Tanja Lange in the PQCRYPTO project. Before that I was a postdoctoral researcher in the cryptographic implementations group at TU/e, working with Daniel J. Bernstein. I did my PhD in the cryptography and computer algebra group at TU Darmstadt under the supervision of Johannes Buchmann. Before starting my PhD, I worked as a research fellow at Fraunhofer SIT in Darmstadt. I hold a Diploma in computer science from TU Darmstadt.
Tianxin Tang (2024 – ongoing)
Kathrin Hövelmanns (2021-2022, now assistant professor in the APS group at TU/e)
PhD students
Dongze (Steven) Yue (ongoing)
Silvia Ritsch (with Kathrin Hövelmanns, ongoing)
Matthias Meijers (ongoing)
Mikhail Kudinov (ongoing)
Fiona Weber (with Tanja Lange, ongoing)
Leon Groot Bruinderink (with Tanja Lange, PhD, 2019)
Visiting PhDs
Tommaso Ricci (from DTU 2021/2022)
Scientific Service
Below you find a summary of my service to the community.
Event organization
I (co-)organized the following events
- “PQC Spring School“, Spring school within the QSI project, Porto, Portugal, 2024
- Workshop “QUIQUES – Quantum Techniques for Provable Security“, Eurocrypt 2021 affiliated event, Zagreb, Croatia, 2021
- Lorentz Center Workshop “Post-Quantum Cryptography for Embedded Systems“, Leiden, Netherlands, 2020
- Symposium ”Security in Times of Surveillance“, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2018 & 2019
- Workshop ”5th Annual Cyber Security Next Generation Workshop“, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2019
- “Executive School on Post-Quantum Cryptography“, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2019
- “Summer School on Post-Quantum Cryptography“, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2017.
Editorial Boards & Program committees
I am Co-Editor-in-Chief for the coming IACR Communications in Cryptology.
I was program co-chair for
I serve(d) on the program committee of
- SAC’24
- PQCrypto’23
- Eurocrypt’23
- TCHES’23
- Asiacrypt’21
- QCrypt’21
- ToSC 21/22
- TCHES’21
- CT-RSA’21
- Asiacrypt’20
- Asiacrypt’19
- Latincrypt’19
- SAC’19
- ICT.open2019 (Security & Privacy Track)
- PQ-Crypto’18
- Kangacrypt’18
- PQ-Crypto’17
I serve(d) as reviewer for Crypto’11, PQ-Crypto’11, Inscrypt’12, PQ-Crypto’13, SAC’13, FSE’14, PQ-Crypto’14, Asiacrypt’14, Latincrypt’14, Indocrypt’14, STACS’15, PKC’15, Latincrypt’15, Asiacrypt’15, Eurocrypt’16, ArcticCrypt’16, AsiaCCS’17, QCrypt’17, Asiacrypt’17, SAC’17, IMACC’17, ICITS’17, Eurocrypt’18, QCrypt’18, Asiacrypt’18, Eurocrypt’20, Crypto’20, Eurocrypt’21, PKC’21, Crypto’21, PQCrypto’21, The Computer Journal, IET Information Security, IEEE Transactions on Computers, International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, ‘Design, Codes, and Cryptography’, Journal of Mathematical Cryptology, TCHES, Journal of Cryptology.